Modern Slavery is an extremely serious crime and gross violation of fundamental human rights. Wansa Group Commodities adopts a zero-tolerance stance toward modern slavery and is fully committed to preventing it within our branches and trading activities. As a London-based trading company, we recognise our responsibility in this regard and have alerted all relevant staff to the risks of slavery in our businesses and throughout the supply chain.
Whenever applicable, all prospective trading partners and suppliers are required to declare whether their organisation and affiliates have been convicted of any offense related to modern slavery or are subject to any investigation, inquiry, or enforcement proceedings concerning slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour, human trafficking, or child labour.
We are committed to ensuring that modern slavery or human trafficking does not exist within our supply chain or any part of our business. Our Anti-Slavery Statement reflects our dedication to ethical and integrity-driven business relationships, as well as our implementation and enforcement of effective systems and controls to prevent slavery and human trafficking anywhere in our supply chain.
To maintain awareness and foster a high level of understanding of modern slavery and human trafficking risks across our business, we have provided training to all relevant staff members, and our Anti-Slavery Statement is accessible to all employees. This statement is made pursuant to section 54 (1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement. ​